Third-party Intervenors in Family Law is the involvement of a person or organisation that is directly affected by the case matrimonial dispute between a separated couple. Family Law disputes are mainly between separated spouses but in some cases there may be another party who has a legal or equitable claim over part of the matrimonial assets.
To be a Third Party Intervenor an Application is filed with the Court seeking leave to be joined to the proceedings together with supporting evidence.
This is a complex area of the Law and requires lawyers with expertise to provide you with advice about whether the evidence supports filing an application. No two cases in this area are the same and each matter is individually assessed based on the evidence available to support the claim.
It is important to get it right before submitting an application to be joined to the proceedings as an unsuccessful claim will be dismissed with a high likelihood that the Third Party Intervenor pay the legal costs of the other parties. Ensure that you’re protected as a third party and contact Meehans Solicitors right away.
This article was published on 20/09/22 and the information is valid only to the date of publishing. This article should be considered merely general and non-specific on the subject matter and is not and should not be considered or relied on as legal, advice. Meehans Solicitors is not responsible in the event this information is relied upon by the reader in the absence of specific legal advice.