There is 39 hectares to the South of Appin Village that has been flagged for potential rezoning to make way for residential development and conservation under the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan.
The proposed site consists of 6 Lots on Brooks Point Road in Appin.
The Proposal seeks to rezone the land from RU2 Rural Landscape to R2 Low Density Residential and C2 Environmental Conservation.
It is expected that if approved, the rezoning will make way for approximately 250 new homes which will include minimum Lot sizes of between 250 and 450 square metres.
It is important to note that this Proposal is still a Proposal and has been put forward to enable community feedback at this time.
If you are unsure how this Proposal may affect you feel free to contact Wollondilly Shire Council for further information.
This article was published on 14/07/23 and the information is valid only to the date of publishing. This article should be considered merely general and non-specific on the subject matter and is not and should not be considered or relied on as legal, advice. Meehans Solicitors is not responsible in the event this information is relied upon by the reader in the absence of specific legal advice.